Directory Search Results for "Lewis

1870 Gopsill's Lewis & Thompson, BOTTLERS 54 N 6th Philadelphia, PA Bus. Dir.
1870 Gospill's Lewis & Thompson, (George W. Lewis & Eber Thompson), bottlers, 52 N 6th Philadelphia, PA Listing
1870 Gospill's Thompson, Eber, (Lewis & Thompson), h 1217 Mt Vernon Philadelphia, PA Listing
1873 Boyd's Lewis & Thompson, mineral water, 52 N. 6th Philadelphia, PA Listing
1873 Gopsill's Lewis & Thompson, mineral water 52 N 6th Philadelphia, PA Bus. Dir.
1874 Boyd's Lewis & Thompson, BOTTLERS 52 n 6th Philadelphia, PA Bus. Dir.
1874 Boyd's Lewis & Thompson, MINERAL WATERS 52 n 6th Philadelphia, PA Listing
1874 Gopsill's Lewis & Thompson, bottler 54 N 6th Philadelphia, PA Bus. Dir.
1875 Gopsill's Lewis & Thompson, bottler 52 N 6th Philadelphia, PA Bus. Dir.
1875 Gopsill's Thompson, Eber, (Lewis & Thompson), h 1217 Mt Vernon Philadelphia, PA Listing
1876 Boyd's Lewis & Thompson, bottler 52 and 54 N 6th Philadelphia, PA Bus. Dir.

Click on the 'Year' link to show bottles for this firm.

11 Directorys listings found.