Source: The Saturday Press-December 6, 1884

Location: Honolulu, Hawaii


Page: 3

Something about their Production and Use.

Honolulu is a thirsty town and drinks, for the most part, un-intoxicants. Not withstanding the lamentable fact that poor Moncure Conway could get no iced soda when here one too brief Sunday, some months ago, there has been a deal of iced soda consumed since then. Of course there is soda water and soda water, and not all that is sold, here or elsewhere, does good to the hospitable stomach that receives it.  But that properly prepared soda water, not too cold when drunk, is of benefit to the digestion, the circulation and temper, many eminent hygienists affirm.  At an expense of some time and trouble, a contributor has supplied the following condensed treatise, which is recommended to drinkers of soda water so-called, and of aerated waters in general.

<Note: The "treatise" by the author has not been transcribed.>

As to Honolulu and the Hawaiian Islands generally we recognize a large impetus given lately both to the manufacture and consumption of machine made waters, which, sold in many places where quality is not an object at 5 cents a glass, are really within the reach of every thirsty being.  Of late months a new and refreshing drink in bottles called Tahiti lemonade, iced to perfection, has been retailed at a store in Honolulu--produced from the clearest artesian water at the factory, at Sunny South, one of the most charming spots in the neighborhood, and a delightful place, for its shade and its grass, and a picnic.  This lemonade is made by a London machine of the continuous type imported from England for that purpose.  It is the personal property of Nuu Vahine, and intelligent and energetic Tahitan (sic) woman who, assisted by her family, does all the work of lemonade making.
  In the course of the spring of 1885, a more powerful machine from Paris will arrive here for Major Hills.
  As to the lemonade, the staff of this paper have tasted it and pronounce it an excellent addition to the already excellent waters retailed in Honolulu.