Directory Search Results for "Knebel, Henry"

1850 Doggett's Knebel, Henry, grocer, 460 Fourth New York, NY Listing
1851 Doggett's Knebel, Henry, sodawater, 460 Fourth, h. 460 Fourth New York, NY Listing
1852 Doggett's Knebel, Henry, sodawater, 460 Fourth, h. 460 Fourth New York, NY Listing
1853 Wilson's Knebel, Henry, Mineral Waters. 458 Fourth New York, NY Bus. Dir.
1854 Rode's Knebel, Henry, Soda and Mineral Water Makers. 458 Fourth New York, NY Bus. Dir.
1854 Wilson's Knebel, Henry, Mineral Waters. 458 Fourth New York, NY Bus. Dir.
1855 Wilson's Knebel, Heny, Mineral Waters. 458 Fourth New York, NY Bus. Dir.
1856 Wilson's Knebel, Henry, Mineral Waters. r 458 Fourth New York, NY Bus. Dir.
1857 Wilson's Knebel, Henry, Porter, Ale and Cider. r 456 Fourth New York, NY Bus. Dir.
1858 Trow's Knebel, Henry, mineral water, r 458 Fourth, & grocer, 460 Fourth, h 458 Fourth New York, NY Listing
1859 Boyd's Knebel, Henry, Mineral Waters. r 458 Fourth New York, NY Bus. Dir.
1859 Trow's Knebel, Henry, mineralwater, 458 Fourth New York, NY Listing
1860 Trow's Knebel, Henry, mineralwater, 458 Fourth New York, NY Listing
1861 Trow's Knebel, Henry, mineralwater, 458 Fourth New York, NY Listing
1862 Trow's Knebel, Henry, mineralwater, 458 Fourth New York, NY Listing
1863 Trow's Knebel, Henry, grocer, 460 Fourth, h 458 Fourth New York, NY Listing
1864 Trow's Knebel, Henry, soda, 458 Fourth New York, NY Listing
1865 Trow's Knebel, Henry, sodawater, r 108 E. Fourth New York, NY Listing
1870 Trow's Knebel, Henry, soda, r 108 E. 4th New York, NY Listing
1871 Trow's Knebel, Henry, agent, h 217 Second av. New York, NY Listing

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24 Directorys listings found.