Manufacturer Notes: Phoenix Glass Works

TO MINERAL, ALE, WINE AND CIDER Bottlers, and pickle and Preserve Dealers. The undersigned has erected extensive works in Concord st, Brooklyn, for manufacturing glass ware, and having engaged a first class set of blowers, feel confident that they can promise an elegant article of glassware, and at as low a price as any offered in market. Particular attention will be given to private moulds. Mr. H. W. Jones has been engaged in the business upwards of twenty years, and is well known to the public as having been manager for some years past at the Phoenix Glass Works, Brooklyn. JONES & REYNOLDS, Long Island Glass Works, Concord st, near Gold, Brooklyn, Office 77 Fulton st, N. Y.

New York Sun (New York, New York) September 11, 1851

GLASS WORKS FOR SALE.--THE STOCK AND FIXtures with the lease of the buildings of the Phoenix Green 
Glass works, situated on John and Marshall streets, Brooklyn. For terms, inquire on the premises, 
or at No. 8 Platt street.

New York Herald (New York, New York) November 18, 1853

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