Manufacturer Notes: The Liquid Carbonic Company

Chicago Directories

1889 Liquid Carbonic Acid manufacturing Co. Jacob Baur, pres; H. J. Spruhan: treas: gas 437 to 445 Illinois
1890 Liquid Carbonic Acid Mfg. Co. Jacob Baur, pres; H. J. Spruhan, treas; chemists 437 Illinois
1891 Liquid Carbonic Acid Mfng. Co. Jacob Baur, pres; H. J. Spruhan, treas; 437 Illinois
1892 Liquid Carbonic Acid Mfng. Co. H. J. Spruhan, treas; 437 Illinois
1893 Liquid Carbonic Acid Mfng. Co. Jacob Baur, pres; H. J. Spruhan, treas; 437 Illinois
1894 Liquid Carbonic Acid Mfng. Co. Jacob Baur, pres; H. J. Spruhan, treas; 437 Illinois
1895 Liquid Carbonic Acid Mnfg. Co. Jacob Baur, pres; Charles Baur, sec; chemists 437 Illinois
1896 Liquid Carbonic Acid Mnfg. Co. Jacob Baur, pres; Charles Baur, sec; chemists 437 Illinois
1897 Liquid Carbonic Acid Mfg. Co. Jacob Baur, pres; Henry J. Spruhan, treas; chemists 76 Illinois
1898 LIQUID CARBONIC ACID MNFG CO Jacob Baur pres; Charles Baur sec; chemists 76 Illinois tel Main-3352
1899 LIQUID CARBONIC ACID MNFG CO Jacob Baur pres; Charles Baur sec; chemists 76 and 78 Illinois tel
1900 LIQUID CARBONIC ACID MNFG CO Jacob Baur pres, treas and gen mngr; Charles Baur sec; chemists 76
                and 78 Illinois tel Main-3352 (Bottlers Machinery and Supplies)
1901 LIQUID CARBONIC ACID MNFG CO Jacob Baur pres, treas and gen mngr; Charles Baur sec; manufacturing
                chemists 76 to 82 Illinois tel Main-3352
1902 Liquid Carbonic Acid Mnfg Co Jacob Baur pres, treas and gen mngr; Charles Baur sec; mnfg chemists 76 to
                82 Illinois
1903 LIQUID CARBONIC COMPANY (THE) Jacob Baur pres, treas and gen mngr; C. F. Rauchfuss sec;
                manufacturing chemists 67 N Wells tel Main-3352
1904 LIQUID CARBONIC COMPANY (THE) Jacob Baur pres, treas and gen mngr; C. F. Rauchfuss sec;
                manufacturing chemists 67 N Wells tel Main-3352
1905 LIQUID CARBONIC COMPANY (THE) Jacob Baur pres, treas and gen mngr; C. F. Rauchfuss sec;
                manufacturing chemists 67 N Wells tel Main-3352 (Bottlers Machinery and Supplies)
1906 Liquid Carbonic Co. (The) Jacob Baur pres; C F Rauchfuss sec; mnfg chemists 67 N Wells
1907 Liquid Carbonic Co. (The) Jacob Baur pres; C F Rauchfuss sec; mnfg chemists 67 N Wells
1908 Liquid Carbonic Co. (The) Jacob Baur pres; C F Rauchfuss sec; mnfg chemists 67 N Wells
1909 Liquid Carbonic Co. (The) Jacob Baur pres; C F Rauchfuss sec; mnfg chemists 67 N Wells (Bottlers
                 Machinery and Supplies)
1911 Liquid Carbonic Co (The) Jacob Baur pres; C F Rauchfuss sec; mnfg soda fountains 440 Wells
1912 Liquid Carbonic Co (The) C F Rauchfuss sec; mnfg soda fountains 241 W Madison
1913 LIQUID CARBONIC CO (THE) soda fountain mnfs 3100 S Kedzle av tel Lawndale 4070
1914 LIQUID CARBONIC CO (THE) soda fountain mnfs 3100 S Kedzle av tel Lawndale 4070
1915 LIQUID CARBONIC CO (THE) soda fountain mnfs 3100 S Kedzle av tel Lawndale 4070
1916 LIQUID CARBONIC CO (THE) soda fountain mnfs 3100 S Kedzle av tel Lawndale 4070
1923 LIQUID CARBONIC COMPANY THE A. R. Brunker Pres, T E Brown V-Pres. and Gen Mgr, C R Bull V-Pres.
                  W K McIntosh V-Pres and Treas. C C Carter Sec. C J Palmer Gen Sales Mgr. 3100 S Kedzle av tel
                  Lawndale 4070


The Liquid Carbonic Acid Manufacturing Company.

The greatest carbonating supply house in the world this month claims your attention in a handsome insert in the "Century" number, exploiting a few of their different specialties.
The first page is a striking representation of the "Thirsty World" with the mercury up in the 90's. The Diamond brand concentrated fruit syrups, crushed fruits and fruit juices are the finest goods of the kind offered to the dispensing trade. The new advertised fountain specialty of the Liquid Carbonic Acid Mfg. Co. is "Grape Kola," and we are informed that the sales on this delicious drink are far in excess of anything fondly hoped for. The introduction of "Grape Kola" has opened up a new avenue of profit to the dispensing trade.
The Liquid Carbonic Acid Mfg. Co. are putting into operation all their faculties for good advertising on this particular specialty. They are furnishing the dispensers who handle "Grape Kola" with a handsome Porcelain Serving Urn, and also presenting them with quantities of napkins, engraved tumblers and the handsomest little advertising booklet which we have ever seen, containing a nicely displayed advertisement of the dispenser. In addition to this they are also presenting handsome awning streamers, and cooperating in every way with the dispenser to obtain enormous sales for this really delicious fountain beverage.
They are also advertising their New 1900 Soda Draft and "Purity" system of serving soda water, which appears to us to be perfect in every detail.
The Perfection Electric Continuous Automatic Carbonator is taking the dispensing world by storm, and is without doubt the best machine for the purpose ever put upon the market. Their line of soda fountains is exceedingly complete, comprising everything from a counter tube to an $8,000 built to order onyx apparatus.
In addition to manufacturing all their own machinery and supplies, the Liquid Carbonic Acid Mfg. Co. have in their employ the best trained chemists and mechanical experts extant, and customers everywhere are invited to avail themselves of the services of these experts without charge, whenever they are in need of the same.
The "Liquid" people have just issued the finest soda water dispensers' catalogue ever turned out, and will gladly send a copy of same upon application to any soda water dispenser.
If you are interested in soda water or soda water machinery, it will pay you to correspond with eth "Liquid carbonic Acid Manufacturing Company.

American Druggist and Pharmaceutical Record March 29, 1900 (New York)

Various References

Funderburg, Anne Cooper; Sundae Best: A History of Soda Fountains (Bowling Green, Bowling Green State University Press, 2002)

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